Of the World, or Insulated from the World?

I am a Christian, and attend a Disciples of Christ Church. Now I know that some Christians get a bad rap nowadays, however not every Christian groups are of the Isolationist mindset. In my opinion that is not the way to be. To illustrate that point, read on…

A discussion this morning between my missus and I about the band P.O.D., some Christians say, “as a Christian we need to be not of the world”. I don’t agree at all, in fact I believe that we should be in the world because that’s where the people are. 

Even in Jesus’ time, people seemed to have the same idea, only with “us”, and everyone else can pound sand.

The issue with that is that only “we” are the special group is a fallacy. I say, everyone is special, and all have the Grace of God and the never ending love of God. Especially in this day and age, diversity is everywhere, to be insular is to court extinction. The Vulcans of Star Trek have an ideal IDIC, Infinite Diversity Infinite Combination, meaning that there is so much that each can contribute to the universe, or in Christian terms, the Body of Christ.

So do not shut out the “other” from your heart, but be open to sharing with them the Good News of Christ and your fellowship.

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